Larsen is one of Norway’s best magicians and illusionists.
He has worked as a professional artist for over tree decades – and with over 1,000 performances over the last five years he is the most productive magician in the country. Daniels trademark is quality and good contact with the audience. His show is characterized by humor, excitement and magic that spellbound audience. Daniel has made several television appearances and has been on several of the greatest stage in both home and abroad, in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, England, Scotland, Afghanistan and the United States. He has, as the only magician in the world, entertained in the birthday of rock legend Jerry Lee Lewis in Memphis Tennessee, he has entertained the royal court and he has toured in Afghanistan where he entertained peacekeepers worldwide. His reference list is as long and exciting as his repertoire – and the common denominator is SUCCESS!
not transform corporate event or Christmas party into a magical experience Your employees and customers will not forget? Make an impact with a show that surpasses everyone’s expectations. Insert slots with magical experiences from a magician who is always able to renew itself and adapt their show to the audience that awaits him. Daniel engages its audience and let them be involved in the magic that happens onstage and out in the hall.
I 2017 satte Daniel Larsen sammen et familieshow for kulturhus i Norge der hele familien blir engasjert og får være med på det magiske som skjer. Et show som har fått fantastiske tilbakemeldinger, bra publikum oppmøte og ønskes tilbake av kulturhusene.
Magiens Verden er et show fult av magi, humor og overraskelser for hele familien, et show på ca. 75 min. med høy kvalitet og et enormt engasjement av publikum. Et show som får barna til å hyle, skrike og le før de blir stille av forundring over det magiske som har skjedd. Et show dere små og store blir med på scenen og delaktig i det magiske som skjer, samt at Daniel tar til slutt en heldig person fra publikum som får sveve på scenen og får bilde som minne….
Barnepedagogisk forbund – Beste vi har sett!!! Kontakten med barna var helt unik
Lyngdal Kulturhus – Utrolig engasjerende! Ser frem til neste gang han kommer!
Ørland Kulturscene – Stor underholdning og engasjement, fantastisk show for både små og store!
Sola Kulturhus – Veldig bra show! Full kontroll på barna i 80 minutter…
Grimstad Kultuhus – Flott show og veldig engasjerende!
child- and family show is packed with humor and surprises. He gets the kids to yell, scream and laugh with enthusiasm … until they become dumb with amazement at the magic that unfolds on stage in front of them. His trademark is the strong contact he achieves with the kids. “The contact with children is quite unique” – Children Educational Association Daniel has several types of children’s shows, from magic shows, balloon shows the balloon and magic school. In over twenty years, Daniel has performed with his family show´s at most of the hotels in the biggest ski resort´s in Norway, and besides having his show in some of the biggest family them park, he has over ten years had responsibility for children entertainment at Color Line ferry between Norway and Sweden.
show is seen worldwide. Below you can see some of the highlights, and what other famous enterprises have experienced him up close.